Notification of BITSAT 2020
ABOUT: A computer based online test for admission to Integrated First Degree programmes of BITS, Pilani at Pilani campus, K. K. Birla Goa campus and Hyderabad campus.
Admissions to all the programmes are subject to the condition of minimum of aggregate 75% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics subjects (if he/she has taken Mathematics in BITSAT)
First rank students of all the central and state boards in India for the year 2020 will be given direct admission to the program of their choice, irrespective of their BITSAT-2020 score as per the eligibility criteria mentioned above.
Deadline to apply online for BITSAT-2020 31st March 2020 (5.00pm)
Revision/editing (online) in the application form by candidates 22nd March – 1st April 2020
Test center allotment and announcement to candidates 3rd April 2020
Candidates to reserve Test date and slot 5th April – 12th April 2020
Candidates to download the Hall tickets with instructions 12th April – 13th May 2020
BITSAT Online tests 16th May – 26th May 2020*
Apply for admission with 12th marks and Preferences 18th May – 18th June 2020
Admit list and Wait list announcement after Iteration I. 20th June 2020
Pattern: It is a 3 hr online exam which tests students in Maths (45), Physics (40), Chemistry (40) , English (15) & Logical Reasoning (10).
Negative marking is there.
Exam fee: Boys 3300/-; Girls-2800/-
For further information:https://www.bitsadmission.com/bitsatmain.aspx?id=11012016
Note: The email is for your information on exams related to this career track. Decision to take the test depends on the student’s ability, effort and interest of parent and student.