1.TS Eamcet
Telangana State Engineering Agriculture & Medical Common Entrance Test – TSEAMCET is a State level Entrance Exam which is conducted by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad JNTUH Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE).
TSEAMCET serves as a prerequisite for admission in to professional courses in Universities & various private colleges. JNTUH has been conducting EAMCET exam consecutively for 25th time & after the formation of Telegana State conducting TSEAMCET 2020 would be consecutively 6th time. In 2018 onwards TSEAMCET has become Computer Based Test (CBT) & is accepting only online mode of applications.
EAMCET was started in 1984 by APSCHE. The state-level examination is conducted for admissions to various professional courses offered in more than 300 private colleges and universities in the state of Telangana. TS EAMCET 2020 application form has been released on February 21, 2020 and the last date is March 30, 2020. However, candidates can also apply until April 27, 2020 by paying the additional amount. Â In 2019, around 2.16 lakh candidates appeared in the exam. On the basis of the marks obtained in the entrance test, candidates are called for TS EAMCET counseling process.
2.Salient Features
Exam Conducting body | TSCHE |
Frequency of exam | Â Once a year |
Mode of Exam | Online |
Mode of Application | Online |
Language of Exam | Bilingual – English & Telugu
English & Urdu |
Mode of Counselling | Online |
Participating Colleges | 300 |
Number of candidates appearing | 2.16Â Lakhs approximately |
Number of attempts | No limit |
Criteria | Eligibility |
Age | Min 17Â Years -Â Max 22 for General & 25 for SC/ST |
Nationality | Indian/NRI/OCI/PCB |
Qualifying Exam | 12th Class/ Equivalent exam/ IB with PCB/PCM |
Minimum Marks of Qualifying Exam in PCB / PCM | 45 % for General & 40% for Reserved category |
Domicile Status | Only who satisfy Regulation of Admission 1974 |
4.Documents required
- Softcopy or scanned copy of recently taken passport size colour.
- The size of the photograph should be max 50 KB and dimensions.
- Soft copy of candidate’s 10th class mark list.
- Soft copy or scanned copy of the signature of the candidate with 20 KB – 30 KB with dimensions of 3.5 cm * 1.5 cm in JPG/JPEG format.
- Latest qualifying exam Hall ticket & Adhar card.
- Parent’s Income proof
Other Details required:
- Candidate’s Category
- Seeking Admission under Special Category
- Local Area Status, Regional Centre, Non-Minority/Minority
- Annual Income of Parents
- Urdu Translation required (Only for Urdu medium candidates)
- Address for Correspondence
5.Exam pattern
- TSEAMCET is a Computer Based Test (CBT) online mode exam
- The test is conducted in Bilingual Medium of Instruction – English & Urdu / English & Telugu.
- The test duration would be 3 Hrs / 180 Minutes
- The test analyzes the student’s ability in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics/ Biology
- No negative marking for wrong answer.
- Each correct answer will be awarded one mark.
The test has all Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with 4 choices out of which one would be correct answer.
Questions & Marks:
Subjects | Number of Questions | Marks per Question | Total Marks |
Physics | 40 | 1 | 40 |
Chemistry | 40 | 1 | 40 |
Mathematics /Biology | 80 | 1 | 80 |
Total | 160 | 1 | 160 |
Negative Marks | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Normalization: Â Â
TS EAMCET-2020 is being conducted in multiple sessions based on the same syllabus, same pattern for candidates having same eligibility criteria. A candidate will be eligible to appear only in one session. Since the question paper is different for each session, there is a possibility that the candidates may compare themselves about the variation in the difficulty levels of question paper of the same subject. However, it may be noted that utmost care will be taken so that all the subjects are of the same standard. Further, it is decided to adopt a normalization process to eliminate any such variations in the difficulty levels of various sessions. The main aim of the Normalization is to ensure that no student gets advantage/disadvantage due to multiple sessions. The normalization process brings all the candidates across all sessions on a comparative scale. Due to this process, the marks of the easy session may be reduced marginally and marks of hard session may increase marginally on the global scale. This depends exactly on the average performance in each session. Since care is taken to prepare papers of equal difficulty, these changes are expected to be very marginal. Normalized marks justify the candidates while respecting their actual performance. Hence, the following normalization procedure is adopted which is being followed by other competitive Examinations in India to avoid advantage/disadvantage to candidates in a particular session compared to the other sessions.
Normalized marks of the candidate = GASD + (GTA-GASD)/ (STA-SASD) obtained by the candidate in the subject in a session − SASD)
- SASD: Sum of Average (A) and Standard Deviation (SD) of the subject of a session in which the candidate appeared.
- GASD: Sum of Average (A) and Standard Deviation (SD) of all the candidates across all sessions of the subject put together.
- STA: Average mark of the top 0.1% of the candidates in the subject of a session in which the candidate appeared.
- GTA: Average mark of the top 0.1% of all the candidates across all the sessions of the subject put together.
- Note: For the candidates for whom there is no qualifying cut-off in TS EAMCET-2020, if the marks in TS EAMCET-2020 after normalization go below zero (negative), the mark is treated as zero. If the tie persists, then TS EAMCET-2020 normalization marks (though negative) are considered for resolving the tie.
6.Important dates
Event | Date of commencement |
Notification of TSEAMCET 2020 | Â 3rd week of February 2020 |
Application Release Date |  3rd week of February 2020 |
Last date to submit online application form
3rd week of March 2020 |
Last date to submit online application with late fee | 1st -4th week of April  2020
application form correction window
1st week of April 2020
Release of TSEAMCET 2020 hall ticket
1st week of May 2020
Date of entrance Exam | Â 1st week of May 2020 |
Release TSEAMCET 2020 result
Last week of May 2020
Counseling of TSEAMCET 2020 ( e- Counseling)
2nd week of June 2020 |
TS EAMCET Exam would be conducted in two sessions.
 Morning Session: 10 AM to 1 PM
Afternoon Session: 3 PM to 6 PM
7.Exam Centers
TSEAMCET is conducted in 54 centers in 3 different areas.
Only Hyderabad – 5 Test zones
Rest of Telangana – 11 zones
Andhra pradesh – 4 zones
The candidates have to first select the test zone and then select the center.
8.Application form
- Any candidate who fulfills all the eligibility criteria can apply for the exam in online mode.
- The application fee for the exam is as follows:
Course | SC/ST | Other Castes |
Engineering (E) | 400 | 800 |
Engineering &Agriculture (E&A) | 800 | 1600 |
- The online application form for TSEAMCET 2020 can be filled at https://eamcet.tsche.ac.in/TSEAMCET/EAMCET_PaymentGatewaypage.aspx and pay the application fees online.
- The payment can also be done at TSOnline Centers in T.S., APOnline Centers in A.P.
8.1 Special Reservation
Physically handicapped (PH):
3% horizontal reservation in each category (OC/BC/SC/ST) for Visually Handicapped/Hearing Impaired/Orthopaedically Handicapped (each 1%).
Children of Armed Personnel (CAP):
2% for the children of Armed Personnel i.e. Ex-Servicemen, Defense Personnel including the children of Border Security Force (BSF) and the Central Reserve Police (CRPF), who are permanent resident of Andhra Pradesh are only eligible to claim this reservation.
National Cadet Corps (NCC):
1% for National Cadet Corps Candidates.
 Sports & Games (SP):Â
0.5% for Sports and Games candidates.
The following percentage of seats in each course in each institute are reserved in Unaided Professional Non-Minority Institutions in Category A seats for the following categories
- OCÂ : 0
- SCÂ : 15%
- STÂ : 6%
- BC : 25% (Other Backward Class)
For Women:
Reservation of seats for women: There shall be reservation of 33% i.e. 1/3rd of the seats in favor of women candidates in each course and in each category (OC/SC/ST/BC/CAP/NCC/SP/PH). This reservation shall not be applicable if women candidates are selected on merit in each category even if it exceeds 33%. If sufficient number of women candidates is not available in the respective categories, those seats shall be diverted to the men candidates of the same category.
8.2 Filling up Application form
The steps to fill the online TSEAMCET 2020 Application Form are as follows:
 1) Registration: Register at the official website to apply for TSEAMCET 2020 by entering Name, Date of Birth, Email ID and the Phone number. The details Email ID & Phone number entered once cannot be changed. The User ID and Password will be sent to the registered email ID of the candidates.
2) Login:Â Post receiving the login credentials, log in to their accounts to fill the TSEAMCET 2020 application form.
3) An incomplete application/ duplicate application form will be rejected.
 4) Uploading Scanned Documents: Upload the scanned copies of recent photograph and signature as per the required specifications Photo: JPG Format less than 50 KB, Signature: JPG Format less than 30 KB.
 5) Payment of Application Fee: Make the e-payment by net banking/credit/debit card and take the printout of filled in TSEAMCET 2020 application form for further reference.
1.Can I correct my contact details in the application form?
Yes, only in the correction window.
2.What is the minimum age limit for applying TSEAMCET?
Candidate must have completed 17 years by December 31st 2020.
3.What are the documents to carry for TSEAMCET?
TSEAMCET Hall Ticket copy, Copy of 10th class & 12th class Hall ticket, SC/St caste certificate, Printout of application with colour photo graph.
4.What is the relaxation given to SC/ST candidates in the cut-off marks?
Yes. SC/ST there is no minimum marks in TSEAMCET.
Category | Percentage | Marks |
General & BC | 25% | 40 |
SC/ST | Nil | Nil |
5.Is candidate’s age considered at the time of admission?
Yes. Candidate with higher age will be considered.
6.Can a candidate submit application after the last date of submission?
Yes. With payment of late fee one can submit the application after 3rd April 2020.
Category | Date |
Last date of submission with late fee of RS.500 | 6th April2020 |
Last date of submission with late fee of Rs.1000 | 13th April 2020 |
Last date of submission with late fee of Rs.5000 | 20th April 2020 |
Last date of submission with late fee of Rs.10000 | 27th April 2020 |
6.Is there any user guide available to fill the application form?
Yes. There is a user guide in the official website in two languages.